Suzan Bayhan

Suzan Bayhan

Contact: s.surname AT
Design and Analysis of Communication Systems (DACS)
Faculty of EEMCS, University of Twente
PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Office: ZI-5049 (Zilverling)

Publications, Google Scholar, News, Teaching

I am an Associate Professor at Design and Analysis of Communication Systems (DACS) and affiliated with EDGE research center at the University of Twente. On March 2017, I am granted the title of Docent in Computer Science at the University of Helsinki, Finland.

My research aims at understanding, designing, and developing solutions for efficient networking, mostly in the context resource allocation in wireless networks considering energy-efficiency and resilience. You can see my UT profile page here. Also, here is a short introduction of myself (2019) and a short interview at I/O Magazine (July 2022).

During 2017-2018, I was on N2Women Board as one of the mentoring co-chairs. I had my PhD degree from Bogazici University, Turkey in 2012.

For students:
- If you are student at UT, you can check the list of open assignments at DACS.
- We have several open positions on sustainable computing and communication infrastructures (PhD and Post-doc) in the scope of Modular Integrated Sustainable Datacenter project (MISD). We do not accept applications via email. Please check the UT application portal later and apply via the portal.

PhD students (current)

  • Syllas Rangel Magalhaes (with Geert Heijenk)
  • Lotte Weedage (with Clara Stegehuis)
  • Tina Rezaei (with Andrea Continella and Roland van Rijswijk-Deij)
  • Shyam Krishna Khadka (with Cristian Hesselman, Ralph Holz)
  • Qiangqiang Liu (with Yanqiu Huang, Geert Heijenk)
  • Mehrdad Aslani (with Marco Gerards)
  • Academic Positions

    Associate Professor (Assistant professor 2019-2023) @ DACS, University of Twente, Netherlands (2019 - present)

    Senior researcher @ TKN, TU Berlin, Germany (09.2016 - 09.2019)

    Post-doc researcher @ CoNe, University of Helsinki, Finland (08.2012 - 09.2016)

    PhD researcher @ SATLAB, Bogazici University, Turkey (2007 - 2012)

    Research Visits:

    EUGAIN STSM research visit @ ZHAW, InIT (April-May 2021)

    Visiting researcher @ CS, Aalto University, Finland (03.2019)

    Visiting researcher @ EDGELab, Princeton University, NJ, US (03.2016 - 04.2016)


    6G Future Network Services (6G FNS), supported by Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (National Growth Fund), 2024-2030

    MISD: Modular Integrated Sustainable Datacenters , supported by Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, European Important Projects of Common European Interest - Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI-CIS), 2024-2029

    Co-PI EERI: Energy-Efficient and Resilient Internet , supported by EEMCS, University of Twente, 2020-2024

    PI, DeVid: Leveraging Deep Learning for VIdeo Streaming, supported by German Research Foundation DFG, 2018

    Researcher, Bright Clouds, Dark Clouds (BCDC), supported by Academy of Finland, 2016

    Researcher, WiFiUS, Ubiquitous Video over Dynamic Spectrum, supported by Academy of Finland, 2014-2016

    Researcher, Picking Digital Pockets (PDP), supported by Academy of Finland, 2012-2015

    Research Highlights

    Tech Reports

  • The Future is Unlicensed: Coexistence in the Unlicensed Spectrum for 5G, 2018 arXiv
  • Deep Learning for Cross-Technology Communication Design", arxiv, listed in Research Library of the IEEE Machine Learning For Communications Emerging Technologies Initiatives, 2019.

  • Recent Research

  • Revisiting Edge AI: Opportunities and Challenges, IEEE Internet Computing, July-Aug. 2024
    T. Meuser et al.
  • LESS-ON: Load-aware edge server shutdown for energy saving in cellular networks, Computer Networks, 2024.
    B Gómez, S Bayhan, E Coronado, J Villalón, A Garrido
  • Assessing the security of Internet paths: A case study of Dutch critical infrastructures, Applied Networking Research Workshop ( ANRW'24)
    Shyam Khadka, Suzan Bayhan, Ralph Holz, Cristian Hesselman (see also the RIPE blogpost )
  • On the Resilience of Cellular Networks: How Can National Roaming Help?, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024. paper
    Lotte Weedage, Syllas R. C. Magalhaes, Clara Stegehuis, Suzan Bayhan
  • ODESA: Load-Dependent Edge Server Activation for Lower Energy Footprint, IEEE WCNC 2024
    Blas Gómez Mora, B. , Suzan Bayhan, Estefania Coronado, Jose Villalon, Antonio Garrido
  • Perspectives on Negative Research Results in Pervasive Computing, IEEE Pervasive Computing, June 2023, open access
    Ella Peltonen, Nitinder Mohan, Peter Zdankin, Tanya Shreedhar, Tri Nguyen, Suzan Bayhan, Jon Crowcroft, Jussi Kangasharju, Daniela Nicklas
  • Impact of Power Consumption Models on the Energy Efficiency of Downlink NOMA Systems, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, June 2023
    Syllas R. C. Magalhaes, Suzan Bayhan, Geert Heijenk
  • National roaming as a fallback or default? IFIP Networking Workshop on IOCRCI, 2023
    Lotte Weedage, Syllas R. C. Magalhaes, Suzan Bayhan
  • Power Allocation for Multi-Cell Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks: Energy Efficiency vs. Throughput vs. Power Consumption, EuCNC, 2023
    Syllas R. C. Magalhaes, Suzan Bayhan, Geert Heijenk
  • Impact of Multi-connectivity on Channel Capacity and Outage Probability in Wireless Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023 arXiv, link , Lotte Weedage, Clara Stegehuis, Suzan Bayhan
  • Optimal Geocast Scheduling under Multicasts and Relaying in mmWave Vehicular Networks, IEEE WoWMoM 2022. paper
    Thijs Havinga, Suzan Bayhan, and Geert Heijenk

  • 2021

  • JOI: Joint Placement of IoT Analytics Operators and Pub/Sub Message Brokers in Fog-centric IoT Platforms, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2021. link to the paper
    Daniel Happ, Suzan Bayhan, Vlado Handziski
  • Surrounded by the Clouds, The Web Conference, 2021. paper (acceptance ratio: 20.6%, 357/1736) video | website | paper
  • Lorenzo Corneo, Maximilian Eder, Nitinder Mohan, Aleksandr Zavodovski, Suzan Bayhan, Walter Wong, Per Gunningberg, Jussi Kangasharju and Jörg Ott
  • AI-Empowered Software-Defined WLANs, IEEE Communications Magazine, 2021. link to the paper
  • Estefania Coronado, Suzan Bayhan, Abin Thomas, Roberto Riggio


  • EdgeDASH: Exploiting Network-Assisted Adaptive Video Streaming for Edge Caching, accepted to IEEE TNSM, Oct 2020. paper
    Suzan Bayhan, Setareh Maghsudi, Anatolij Zubow
  • Key Advances in Pervasive Edge Computing for IIoT in 5G and Beyond, IEEE Access. paper (open-access)
    Arun Narayanan, Arthur Sousa de Sena, Daniel Gutierrez-Rojas, Dick Carrillo Melgarejo, Hafiz Majid Hussain, Suzan Bayhan, Pedro H. J. Nardelli
  • Pruning Edge Research with Latency Shears, ACM HotNets 2020 (acceptance ratio: 30/120) paper | slides I video
    Nitinder Mohan, Lorenzo Corneo, Aleksandr Zavadovski, Suzan Bayhan, Walter Wong, Jussi Kangasharju
  • User-AP Association Management in Software-Defined WLANs, IEEE TNSM, June 2020. paper | ieeexplore
    Suzan Bayhan, Estefania Coronado, Roberto Riggio, Anatolij Zubow
  • DeepTxFinder: Multiple Transmitter Localization by Deep Learning in Crowdsourced Spectrum Sensing, IEEE ICCCN 2020. invited paper | slides
    Anatolij Zubow, Suzan Bayhan, Piotr Gawlowicz, Falko Dressler
  • On the Impact of Clustering for IoT Analytics and Message Broker Placement across Cloud and Edge, EdgeSys 2020. paper | slides | | video
    Daniel Happ, Suzan Bayhan
  • Punched Cards over the Air: CTC Between LTE-U/LAA and WiFi, IEEE WoWMoM 2020 (acceptance ratio: 28/110). paper | slides | [best-paper award]
    Piotr Gawlowicz, Anatolij Zubow, Suzan Bayhan, Adam Wolisz
  • CTC-CEM: Low-Latency Cross-Technology Channel Establishment with Multiple Nodes, IEEE WoWMoM 2020 (acceptance ratio: 28/110). paper | slides
    Verónica Toro-Betancur, Suzan Bayhan, Piotr Gawlowicz, Mario Di Francesco
  • Demo: Cross-Technology Communication between LTE-U/LAA and WiFi, IEEE INFOCOM 2020.  abstract | slides [best-demo award]
    Piotr Gawlowicz, Anatolij Zubow, Suzan Bayhan
  • On Practical Cooperative Multi Point Transmission for 5G Networks, Computer Networks, 2020. paper
    Anatolij Zubow, Ahmad Rostami, Suzan Bayhan
  • aiOS: An Intelligence Layer for SD-WLANs, IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2020. paper
    Estefania Coronado, Abin Thomas, Suzan Bayhan, Roberto Riggio

  • 2019

  • 14th Workshop on Challenged Networks, ACM Mobicom Workshop, 2019
    Suzan Bayhan and Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou
  • Smart Contracts for Spectrum Sensing as a Service, IEEE TCCN 2019. paper
    Suzan Bayhan, Anatolij Zubow, Piotr Gawlowicz, Adam Wolisz
  • PoMeS: Profit-Maximizing Sensor Selection for Crowd-Sensed Spectrum Discovery, CROWNCOM 2019 (invited).  paper | slides
    Suzan Bayhan, Gurkan Gur, Anatolij Zubow
  • Null-While-Talk: Interference Nulling for Improved Inter-Technology Coexistence in LTE-U and WiFi Networks, PMC, 2019 paper
    Suzan Bayhan*, Piotr Gawlowicz*, Anatolij Zubow*, Adam Wolisz (*equal contributions)
  • DeCloud: Truthful Decentralized Double Auction for Edge Clouds, ICDCS 2019 (acceptance ratio: 25%) paper
    Aleksandr Zavodovski, Suzan Bayhan, Nitinder Mohan, Pengyuan Zhou, Walter Wong, Jussi Kangasharju
  • ExEC:Elastic Extensible Edge Cloud, EdgeSys 2019  paper | slides
    Aleksandr Zavodovski, Nitinder Mohan, Suzan Bayhan, Walter Wong, Jussi Kangasharju

  • 2018

  • Understanding Scoped-Flooding for Content Discovery and Caching in Content Networks, IEEE JSAC SI on Caching 2018.  paper
    Liang Wang, Suzan Bayhan, Jörg Ott, Jussi Kangasharju, Jon Crowcroft
  • ICON: Intelligent Container Overlays, ACM HotNets 2018 (acceptance ratio: 26/125=~21%). paper | slides | video
    Aleksandr Zavodovski, Nitinder Mohan, Suzan Bayhan, Walter Wong, Jussi Kangasharju
  • Spass: Spectrum Sensing as a Service via Smart Contracts, IEEE DYSPAN 2018.  paper | slides | repository
    Suzan Bayhan, Anatolij Zubow, Adam Wolisz
  • Demo: Cross-Technology Interference Nulling for Improved LTE-U/WiFi Coexistence, ACM MobiSys 2018. abstract | poster | video
    Piotr Gawlowicz, Anatolij Zubow, Suzan Bayhan
  • On Practical Coexistence Gaps in Space for LTE-U/WiFi Coexistence, European Wireless 2018, Catania, Italy. paper | slides | arxiv
    Anatolij Zubow, Piotr Gawlowicz, Suzan Bayhan
  • Coexistence Gaps in Space: Cross-Technology Interference-Nulling for Improving LTE-U/WiFi Coexistence, IEEE WoWMoM18. paper | slides | arXiv
  • Suzan Bayhan, Anatolij Zubow, Adam Wolisz
  • Enabling Flexibility of Traffic Split Function in LTE-WiFi Aggregation Networks through SDN, Workshop on Smart Antennas, Febr. 2018.  paper | slides
    Suzan Bayhan and Anatolij Zubow

  • 2017 and earlier

  • Optimal Mapping of Stations to Access Points in Enterprise Wireless Local Area Networks, ACM MsWiM 2017.  paper | slides
    Suzan Bayhan and Anatolij Zubow
  • Optimal Resource Allocation for Content Delivery in D2D-supported Cellular Networks, IEEE PIMRC 2017
    Can Guven, Suzan Bayhan, Gurkan Gur, and Salim Eryigit
  • On Content Indexing for Off-Path Caching in ICN, ACM ICN, Kyoto, Japan, September 26-28, 2016.  paper | slides
    Suzan Bayhan, Liang Wang, Jörg Ott, Jussi Kangasharju, Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Jon Crowcroft
  • Pro-Diluvian: Understanding Scoped-Flooding for Content Discovery in ICN, ACM ICN, San Francisco, US, Sept. 30 - Oct.2, 2015.  paper | slides
    Liang Wang, Suzan Bayhan, Jörg Ott, Jussi Kangasharju, Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Jon Crowcroft [best paper award]
  • Optimal Chunking and Partial Caching in ICN, Computer Communications, 2015. paper
    Liang Wang, Suzan Bayhan, Jussi Kangasharju
  • Effects of Cooperation Policy and Network Topology on Performance of In-Network Caching, IEEE Communications Letters, 2014.  paper
    Liang Wang, Suzan Bayhan, Jussi Kangasharju
  • Data-Driven Analysis of Database-Assisted Spectrum Access for Mobile Users, INFOCOM Workshop on SCAN, 2017.  paper | slides
    Aleksandr Zavadovski, Suzan Bayhan, and Jussi Kangasharju
  • Mobile Content Offloading in Database-Assisted White Space Networks, CrownCom, Grenoble, France, May 30 - June 1, 2016.  paper | slides
  • Suzan Bayhan, Gopika Premsankar, Mario Di Francesco, and Jussi Kangasharju
  • Optimal Cooperator Set Selection in Social CRNs, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2015.
    Salim Eryigit, Suzan Bayhan, Jussi Kangasharju, and Tuna Tugcu
  • CooperativeQ: Energy-Efficient Channel Access Based on Cooperative Reinforcement Learning, IEEE ICC 2015, Workshop on Next Generation Green ICT, London, UK, June 2015. paper | slides
    Mehmet Emre, Gürkan Gür, Suzan Bayhan, and Fatih Alagöz
  • Energy Efficiency Impact of Cognitive Femtocells in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, The First ACM workshop on Cognitive Radio Architectures for Broadband (CRAB 2013), Miami, FL, USA, 2013.  slides
    Gürkan Gür, Suzan Bayhan, Fatih Alagöz
  • Effect of Social Relations on Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks (Invited Paper), BlackSeaCom, Batumi, Georgia, July 2013. paper | slides
    Can Güven, Suzan Bayhan, Fatih Alagöz
  • Energy Efficiency is a Subtle Concept: Fundamental Trade-offs for CRNs, IEEE Communications, 2014. Poster| IEEExplore
    Salim Eryigit, Gürkan Gür, Suzan Bayhan, Tuna Tugcu
  • Radio Environment Map As Enabler for Practical Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Communications, 2013.  IEEExplore
    H.Birkan Yilmaz, Suzan Bayhan, Tuna Tugcu, and Fatih Alagöz
  • Low Complexity Uplink Schedulers for Energy-Efficient CRNs, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 2, no. 3, June 2013.  paper
    Suzan Bayhan, Salim Eryigit, Fatih Alagöz, Tuna Tugcu
  • Energy-Efficient Multi-Channel Cooperative Sensing Scheduling with Heterogeneous Channel Conditions for CRNs, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, July 2013  paper
    Salim Eryigit, Suzan Bayhan, Tuna Tugcu
  • Scheduling in Centralized CRNs for Energy Efficiency, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.62, no.2, Feb. 2013. paper
    Suzan Bayhan and Fatih Alagöz
  • A Markovian Approach for best-fit channel selection in CRNs, Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), 12: 165-177 (2014). paper
    Suzan Bayhan and Fatih Alagöz
  • Distributed Channel Selection in CRAHNs: A Non-Selfish Scheme Mitigating the Effect of Spectrum Fragmentation, Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), SI on CRAHNs, Volume 10, Issue 5, July 2012. p.774–788.  paper
    Suzan Bayhan and Fatih Alagöz
  • Cognitive Femtocell Networks: An Overlay Architecture for Localized Dynamic Spectrum Access, IEEE Wireless Communications, Aug. 2010. Listed in Best Reading on Cognitive Radio  paper
    Gürkan Gür, Suzan Bayhan, Fatih Alagöz
  • Channel Switching Cost Aware and Energy-Efficient Cooperative Sensing Scheduling for CRNs, IEEE ICC 2013, Budhapest, Hungary, June 2013. paper
    Salim Eryigit, Suzan Bayhan and Tuna Tugcu
  • A Non-Selfish and Distributed Channel Selection Scheme in CRAHNs, ACM MsWiM, Turkey, 2010.
    Suzan Bayhan and Fatih Alagöz
  • Search in Digital Pockets: Retrieving Remote Content in Mobile Opportunistic Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications, June 2016. paper
    Suzan Bayhan, Esa Hyytiä, Jussi Kangasharju, and Jörg Ott
  • On Search and Content Availability in Opportunistic Networks, Computer Communications, vol. 73, Part A, Jan. 2016, pp. 118–131. paper
    Esa Hyytiä, Suzan Bayhan, Jörg Ott, Jussi Kangasharju
  • Two Hops or More: On Hop-Limited Search in Opportunistic Networks, ACM MsWiM, Cancun, Mexico, Nov. 2015.  paper | slides | report
    Suzan Bayhan, Esa Hyytiä, Jussi Kangasharju, Jörg Ott
  • Analysis of Hop Limit in Opportunistic Networks by Static and Time-Aggregated Graphs, IEEE ICC 2015 paper | slides
    Suzan  Bayhan, Esa Hyytiä, Jussi Kangasharju, and Jörg Ott
  • Searching a Needle in (Linear) Opportunistic Networks, ACM MSWiM, Montreal, Canada, 2014. paper
    Esa Hyytiä, Suzan  Bayhan, Jörg Ott and Jussi Kangasharju
  • Seeker-Assisted Information Search in Mobile Clouds, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), Hong Kong, 2013. paper, slides, 2012 N2Women
    Suzan  Bayhan, Esa Hyytiä, Jussi Kangasharju and Jörg Ott
  • Selected/Invited Talks

    Invited keynote @ IRT SystemX workshop 2023, Resilience of Wireless Communication Networks: An Overview of the State-of-the-art and Potential Risks for Future Networks, October 2023.

    Invited talk @ IEEE HPSR 2022, Leveraging Machine Learning for Spectrum Sharing in Wireless Networks, June 2022. slides

    Invited Talk @ RBCDSAI-FCAI Conference on Deployable AI , Leveraging Machine Learning for Spectrum Sharing in Wireless Networks, March, 2022. slides

    CS Forum talk @ Aalto University, Smart Contracts for Crowdsourced Spectrum Sensing, March 2019. slides

    Guest Lecture@Aarhus University, Spectrum Sharing for Cost-Effective Capacity Expansion of Wireless Networks, Nov. 2018 abstract

    Talk@Aalto University, Coexistence of LTE with WiFi in unlicensed spectrum, March. 2018. abstract

    Invited talk@Bogazici University, Scaling up for 20 Billion Devices by 2020 and beyond, Feb. 2018. [abstract]

    Tutorial@CrownCom2017 in Lisbon, Machine Learning For Spectrum Sharing in Wireless Networks, with Gurkan Gur [abstract] [slides]

    Public demonstration lecture@University of Helsinki, Content Delivery Techniques, Feb. 2017 [slides]

    Tutorial@CrownCom2015 in Doha, Energy Efficiency of Cognitive Radio Networks, with Gurkan Gur, Salim Eryigit [slides]

    Talk@NokiaBellLabs-Dublin, White spaces for sustainable mobile data offloading, April 2016 [slides]

    Guest Lecture and Seminar@Bogazici University in Istanbul, Content discovery in Information Centric Networks When to flood? Where to flood?, Dec. 2015 [lecture slides] [seminar slides

    Talk@Cambridge University, Content search and availability estimation in mobile opportunistic networks, Nov. 2015 [slides]


    If you are a student@UT and want to learn more about BS research topics we offer at DACS, feel free to contact me!

    BS Research Projects, University of Twente, (2019, 2020, 2021 Autumn and Spring).
    MS course on Mobile and Wireless Networking (lectures on cellular networks), University of Twente, 2020, 2021.
    BS course on Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Networks and Operating Systems, University of Twente, (for BIT), September 2020.
    BS course on Pearl 101: Operating Systems and Computer Networks, University of Twente, September 2019 (for BIT), October 2019 (for CS).
    BS/MS Student Projects at TU Berlin, Germany,  Summer 2017,  Summer 2018, Winter 2018/2019. 

    MS course: Content delivery techniques, TU Berlin, Germany ,  Summer 2017, Summer 2018, Summer 2019. (ISIS pages for the courses)

    MS seminar: Traffic characteristics in modern wireless networks (with Dr. Anatolij Zubow), TU Berlin, Germany , Winter 2018/2019, Summer 2018, Winter 2017/2018, Summer 2017, Winter 2016/2017. (ISIS pages for the courses)

    Organizer of MS/PhD crash course A Comparison of Current and Future Internet Architectures (lecturer: Prof. Sukru Kuran) University of Helsinki, Finland, June 14-17, 2016.

    MS seminar: Social Networks Analysis for Communication Networks, University of Helsinki, Finland, Spring 2015 14.01-29.04.2015.

    MS Seminar: Cognitive Networks and Cross-Layer Interactions, University of Helsinki, Finland, Spring 2013 14.01-29.04.2013.

    Students / Mentees
    • Ongoing: 4 PhD students, 1 MS student, 0 BS students
    Completed (1 PhD, 11 MSc, 11 BSc)
    • Cathy Schmit (MSc), Offloading Strategies for the Rendering Process in Edge-enabled Virtual Reality Games, University of Twente, 2022 (with H.L. van den Berg), thesis
    • T.F. Niculae (BSc), Edge Server Placement on Traffic Lamps for Smart City Services, University of Twente, 2022, thesis
    • M.Assad (BSc), Link Vulnerability Aware Task Deployment over Edge and Cloud, University of Twente, 2022, thesis
    • M.K.Kalyankumar (MSc) Directional Spectrum Sensing in 6GHz Bands, University of Twente, 2021, thesis
    • A.Dekker (MSc), Planning Self-Backhauled mmWave Networks with Multi-Connectivity, University of Twente, 2021 (with H.L. van den Berg), thesis
    • T.Havinga (MSc), MmWave Beam Control for Geocasting in Vehicular Networks, University of Twente, 2021 (with G.Heijenk), thesis
    • S.Hallsworth (BSc), Metrics for Efficiency of Spectrum Sharing in Wireless Networks, University of Twente, 2021, thesis
    • R.G. Niculescu (BSc),  Analysis on the Evolution of Mobile Network Characteristics from NetBravo Dataset, University of Twente, 2021 (with B.Ozceylan), thesis 
    • D.Janssen (BSc), Data-Driven Analysis of Cellular Network Resilience in the Netherlands, University of Twente, 2021 (with S.Rangel), thesis
    • Aleksandr Zavodovski (PhD),  Open Infrastructure for Edge Computing, University of Helsinki, 2020 (supervisor: Jussi Kangasharju) thesis
    • D. Lummen (BSc), An Analysis of Link and Node Level Resilience on Network Resilience, University of Twente, 2020 thesis
    • Larissa Pauser (MSc), Multicast-Aware User-AP association in IEEE 802.11 networks, TU Berlin, 2019 (with A. Zubow) thesis
    • Ali Hlayel (MSc), WiFi AP Assistance for Improving Adaptive Video Streaming Performance, TU Berlin 2019 (with Setareh Maghsudi) thesis
    • S. D. Wahl, P. Wisznawitzki, F. Ulrich Knopp, (BSc), Deep Learning Based Transmitter Localization, TU Berlin, 2019 (with A. Zubow)
    • L. Domingo Chigne Sander, L. Billy Stahlschmidt, M. Ohlendorf, (BSc), QoS-metrics plugin for DASH, TU Berlin, 2019
    • F. Plonsky, F. Guillou (BSc), Catching Abnormal Users in Smart-Contract Based Spectrum Sensing, TU Berlin, 2018 (with A. Zubow)
    • N. Romanova, J. Stenkvist, P. Walvekar, J. Wiren (BSc), Offloading Spectrum Sensing Enabled by Blockchain TU Berlin,  2017 (with A. Zubow)
    • Aleksandr Zavodovski (MSc), Understanding the Challenges of TV White Space Databases for Mobile Usage , University of Helsinki, 2016 thesis
    • Shiqing Feng (MSc), A study on social-based cooperative sensing in CRN, University of Helsinki, 2015
    • Chen Yiping (MSc), Information Search in Mobile Opportunistic Networks, Extensions to Seeker Assisted Search, University of Helsinki, 2014
    • Can Guven (MSc), Effect of Social Relations on Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in CRNs, Bogazici University, 2013 (with Fatih Alagoz)
    • Seda Demirag (MSc), Secure Spectrum Sensing and Decision in Cognitive Radio Networks, Bogazici University, 2010 (with Fatih Alagoz)

    Note to students: If you want to study under my supervision, please check the  information
    1. Please send an email indicating your area of interest and attach your transcript of studies.
    2. If you have relevant research experience, write also a brief summary of your work.
    3. Write also what is the time schedule you have in mind to complete your study (master thesis, bachelor thesis etc.).
    4. Also please include in your email which programming languages you are familiar with.